Check out these Links to my other pages

Who I am
How do Planes Fly
NZ Airport Navigation
Navigate by Stars
My Thoughts
Chicken or the Egg

Our Wedding

The Pidgeon Crest

The New Zealand Flag

The Planeman's Web Site

This is the planeman on his wedding day
Check out this cessna magnus

Expectations for Visitors

Welcome to my personal Web Site.

 This site has the following purpose:

  • Give a background about the author.
  • This includes his interests
  • His family

 So as you go about your daily business remember:

  • Attitude is everything
    • Your Attitude determines your altitude
    • Bad Attitude brings you down
    • Good Attitude builds you up
  • Don't live under the circumstances
  • Live beyond your circumstances
I would love to hear from you
email the planeman

Last modified on May 31 May, 2023